Dear Usha & Sam,

Happy Wedding Anniversary!

February 5, 1973

You met three decades ago in Madras and decided to marry and lead a life together for ever afterwards. You were in a hurry and left soon after the wedding in Bangalore to commence your new life together in your new residence here and make it your own special Home, Sweet Home!

It was a glorious adventure that has proved very successful and you can look back with great pride on a great achievement - the proof of it is there before you, and before your loving children, your parents and your extended family. Your loving work is ever an on-going job, polishing and adding lustre to the already gleaming gem of your own shining, special family.

Amma and I congratulate you on this great and memorable occasion on the completion of the third decade of the many, many more decades to come. We wish you continued success, great happiness and health and deerghaayush.

You will need help and support from the One who witnesses all, keeps a watchful eye over the welfare of his devotees -- Shriman Narayana, and to Him let us address a prayerful request to maintain and nourish this great and loving togetherness that you have created.

Your loving,


Feb.5, 2003

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Together, may we be protected
Together, may we be nourished
Together, may we acquire the  
ability to understand each other.
May our learning (in this journey of life together) 
be brilliant and effective
May we not cavil at each other
Om! Shanti: Shanti: Shanti: